Anxiety Over Writing
By Adrianna Stepiano
I'll admit, I was a little
nervous when Alexia asked me to write a guest post for her blog. Being new to
the writing scene, this is the first time an interviewer has asked me to write
'whatever I wanted'. Usually, there are questions associated. Questions that
would guide and direct the subject for the blog-spot. Alexia left me a blank
page, so to speak. She said, "You can just write
questions..." And, while that might sound like an amazing opportunity to
people who love to stand on a soap box and spout off at the mouth, it was
terribly frightening to me. After all, I'm the person that had a finished novel
sitting on my computer for nearly a year before I broke down and published it.
I'm the person that breaks out in a nervous sweat every time I read a review.
Why do I have such anxiety over writing? The short answer; I'm not a writer. I'm a graphic
designer. Throughout college I took the most basic of English and writing
classes, and always did quite well, but it never occurred to me that I should
make a career out of it. I didn't study classical literature, though I do enjoy
reading it. I'm not friends with 'sentence structure', though we're learning to
live, even though I had a story, I didn't feel qualified to write
it. That's why it sat on my computer for so long. I often wonder how many people out there have wonderful stories that
they would tell, if only they could figure out how to use that darn comma! I
also wonder how many people have read a grammatically correct story, that had a
terrible plot.
So, what brought me to sit down and write? The short answer; a sentence. It started with a
sentence that I couldn't get out of my head.
And, as it turns out, this is how I write. I hear, read, stumble upon,
or dream about, a combination of words that strike a chord with me. Nouns
working with verbs that plant a seen in my psyche.
What sentence began MofaM? Here it is. Bad
luck has a stubborn way of following someone once it strikes.
It came from a conversation
with my mother, after I was laid-off from my full time job. She said, "If
you didn't have bad luck, you'd have no luck at all." To which I replied,
"I know, it seems bad luck has a stubborn way of following someone once it
strikes." Now, I am sure that both of those sentences are widely known and
used, but when I sat down at the computer that night and typed the second one
out, it was fresh. And thus began the story of a girl that was stuck in a ring
of bad luck. As those of you that have read the book know, it's since morphed
into something else, but the foundation for Seraphin's character is based on
'bad luck'. The words were invigorating and they helped to feed a story that
was starving to be known. Even though neither sentence is used in the novel,
there were some deeper meanings that resonated with me.
At the opening of Book #1,
Seraphin is at the very crucial age of 18. It's an age that most are legally
considered an adult, the age that a person is allowed to be 'on their own'.
Most of the time it's exciting, as a young person, to step into the real world.
However, Seraphin finds the idea terrifying. We find her living in a life of
fear; fear of the unknown. I think most of us can relate to this feeling. It's the feeling I felt and still feel
when I'm writing, and it's exhilarating. I don't know what I'm doing and it
scares the BEEP out of me, but I'm
doing it...and It's exhilarating!
So let me revisit my previous
thought. How many people out there have
wonderful stories that they would tell...IF ONLY_________________. You
fill in the blank. How many reasons can we find? I'm curious. Comment on
this post with your reason for NOT writing the story that you have floating
around in your head.
Adrianna Stepiano Bio

For several years the idea of a merfolk based story swam around in her head; inspired by family vacations to coastal states and a life spent on the shores of the magnificent Great Lakes. Finally in 2009, a prayer brought Joseph and Seraphin to life by way of the written word.
Adrianna prides herself on the ability to tell an interesting story that can truly be a cerebral getaway. Though, at first she was intimidated by the comma, the two have learned to live together and at times, agree to disagree. If a misplaced adjective or an absent word happens to stumble in or out of a sentence, do not take it as a sign of carelessness but rather appreciate the rawness of her writing.
After two years in the making, ‘Memoir of a Mermaid: When, at last, he found me.’ is available for download in various ebook formats as well as paperback.
Connect with Adrianna:
- Website
- Goodreads
About Memoir of a Mermaid: When, at last, he found me

If you love mermaids, this is
the young adult fantasy novel for you. See the raging sea through Seraphin's
eyes and struggle to make sense of the impossible. This isn't an ordinary
mermaid story, the mystery is as deep as the ocean. You'll find intrigue and
romance, as well as a dash of humor and action.
Memoir of a Mermaid has been known to cause 'up all night reading' and 'can't
put down syndrome'. You may find yourself addicted to the tension between
Joseph and Seraphin. Due to the fact that this book is all you'll be able to
think about, do not begin reading the night before an important meeting or a
final exam. The story will literally be swimming around in your head.
Excerpt: "Looking back, sometimes things are better off unknown. Sometimes the truth hurts more than a lie and being naive is a blessing in disguise. From that moment on, it was going to be difficult to distinguish between being protected and being lied to."
Purchase sites for Memoir of
a Mermaid:
Amazon (e-book or paperback)- Barnes & Noble
Hi! Great guest post! I love the sentence that began MOAM! I read the blurb and the book sounds nice! I recently read Tangled Tides by Karen Amanda Hooper and I really enjoy it! Now I'm looking for mermaids stories and I stumbled this post! I'll put this one on my TBR pile for sure !
ReplyDeleteHi Prosperpine :) I loved this book! I have Tangled Tides on my TBR pile :) Let me know what you think of MOAM!! xx