Sunday 10 June 2012

Sunday Post #1

The Sunday Post is a meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer

Inspired by the meme, In My Mailbox - it's a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books, things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

So lets get started :)

Sunday, June 3
On Sunday we had author Stephen Zimmer on the blog for his Spirit of Fire blog tour. His guest post - War: What is it good for?
Sneak peak - "Conflict is one of the most critical elements of a compelling story, and there are few better contexts for bringing conflicts of all kinds into a story than war. Wars provide an environment in which characters of all kinds develop, are tested rigorously, and ultimately go through their individual arcs to destinations that are for the better or worse."  Read more here

Monday, June 4
On Monday I did a review for Eternal Hunger by Laura Wright.
Sneak peak - "I enjoy vampy books with the cliche 'destined human mate' and the stuggles of acceptance and the whole 'no no, it can't be true, vampires don't exist, you're not real, blah blah blah'. Eternal Hunger has that part in it, but I feel that Sara (human mate) accepted it too fast - any sane person would put up more of a fight, I mean, he's a vampire, hellooo - grab your lip gloss and run!!" Read more here

Tuesday, June 5
On Tuesday we had author Elysa Hendricks over for a guest post - A Reading Writer's Dilemma.
Sneak peak - "But for every upside there's a downside. As my writing skills increased I found my enjoyment in reading decreased. When I began writing my muses were already active, but my inner critic had yet to show up. My muses live in the attic of my mind. When I'm in the creative process these beautiful, energetic ladies with their wild imaginations leave their aerie and join me in my office to inspire and excite me." Read more here

Thursday, June 7
On Thursday we had author Natalie Hancock over for an interview, telling us about her novels, her characters and those sexy book covers of hers.
Sneak peak - "Q: If you were deserted on an island, who are 3 famous people you would want with you and why? A: JIMMY THOMAS!!!! Do I really need a reason..." Read more here

Upcoming Week
Tuesday, June 12 - Guest post with author Zoe Brooks - Development of Central Characters
Thursday, June 14 - Interview with author Laxmi Hariharan
Friday, June 15 - Feature & Follow post hosted by Parajunkee's View and Alison Can Read

That's it for this week. What has your week been like and what do you have planned for the upcoming week?


  1. Sounds like you had a great week! With tons of sexy covers! lol

    Thanks for stopping by my Added to the Bookshelf Post.

    ♥ Melissa @ Melissa's Eclectic Bookshelf

  2. oohh, that cover for Eternal Darkness is HO-OT! Looks like you had a great week, thanks for stopping by my Sunday Post! Book Savvy Babe

  3. Love this books you got... They look great...

    Happy Reading
    Jenea @ Books Live Forever

  4. I haven't read Eternal Hunger yet but I hear mostly good things about it. Eternal Darkness looks super hot!

    Here's my Sunday Post

  5. Wow you had an awesome week, I am going to check out the reviews I missed. Some of those covers are Hot! hehehe. Thanks so much for being a part of The Sunday Post

    FYI- I changed my url to my blog so if you can update the link for the Sunday Post for next week I would be very grateful.

  6. You received some wonderful this week! Have fun reading them and I look forward to your reviews!

    Thanks for sharing,
    Dani (new follower)

  7. You had a good week! Have fun reading!!

    Here is my Sunday post!
