Sunday 17 June 2012

Sunday Post #2

The Sunday Post is a meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer

Inspired by the meme, In My Mailbox - it's a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books, things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

So lets get started :)

So this week has been pretty slow with reviews as Ritesh and I were/are both sick :( Here is what happened this week...

Tuesday, 12 June
We had author Zoe Brooks over for a guest post - Development of Central Characters.  
Sneak peak - "In order for me to really enjoy a book, I need to care for the central character. I like her to be flawed and human, and I want to come to an understanding of her during the course of the story. One other thing I need - she should have some guts. It's what I attempt to do in my own books. It seems from the reviews that I have succeeded. But where did my central character come from? When I was a little girl I used to get a comic called Bimbo (it really was called that) and my favourite bit was a series called The Further Adventures of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs." Read more here

Thursday, 14 June
On Thursday we had author Laxmi Hariharan over for an interview.
Sneak peak - "Q: Describe yourbook? How do you come up with the idea for the book?
A: The Destiny of Shaitan is a delicious blend of gods & humans, sacred & profane; a gripping ride offering a glimpse into your own power. Partially set in a futuristic Bombay, this coming of age story is painted against the backdrop of a post-apocalyptic world. When Tiina accompanies Yudi on a mission to save the universe from the ruthless Shaitan, she seeks more than the end of the tyrant; she seeks herself. The final showdown between Tiina, Yudi, and Shaitan has unexpected consequences, for Shaitan will do anything in his power to win the fight.  The stakes are high and the combatants determined. Will Shaitan's ultimate destiny be fulfilled?" Read more here

Friday, 15 June
Feature & Follow Friday #7 hosted by Parajunkee's View and Alison Can Read
Sneak peak - This weeks question has to do with Father's Day :) See which 'father characters' Ritesh and I chose. Read more here

Saturday, 16 June
As you saw on Thursday we had author Laxmi Hariharan over for an interview, she has been awesome to offer a giveaway. $10 Amazon Gift Card up for grabs. To enter read more here

Upcoming Week
Tuesday, 19 June - Guest post with author Diane Tibert - Woman being the hero of a story
Thursday, 21 June - Interview with Natasha, a book review blogger and dear friend of ours as well as our giveaway of our New Design closes - enter here
Friday, 22 June - Feature & Follow Friday post hosted by Parajunkee's View and Alison Can Read

That's it for this week. What has your week been like and what do you have planned for the upcoming week?


  1. I hope you and Ritesh feel better soon! Someone must have sneezed on Twitter because a lot of bloggers are sick lately. :)

    I loved Zoe Brooks' post - I'm always interested in how authors come up with their characters.

    Have a better week, you two!

    1. Thanks Barbara :) I'm sure someone passed on the flu bug!

  2. Sounds like you've had a great week.. I'll have to check back this week for your posts. Have a wonderful week..

    Jenea @ Books Live Forever

  3. feeling sick stinks, I hope you both feel better soon :) Looks like you guys had a great week anyhow, and you have some good stuff coming up :) Thanks for stopping by my Sunday Post, Book Savvy Babe

    1. Yeah it does suck! Yup busy week coming up :)

  4. Aww hope you both are feeling better! Thanks for being a part of The Sunday Post

  5. I hope you both feel better! Seems like you had a great week. Thanks for stopping by my blog!


  6. I hope y'all feel better soon!

  7. Thanks Heidi - Natasha interview is super interesting :) She's a good friend of mine and Ritesh's
