Sunday 24 June 2012

Sunday Post #3

The Sunday Post is a meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer

Inspired by the meme, In My Mailbox - it's a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books, things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

So let's get started :)

Since we’re both feeling way better, we’ve jumped in feet first and started the week off with…

Saturday, 16 June
As you know we had author Laxmi Hariharan over for an interview on June 14th. See here

She was kind enough to sponsor a prize for the giveaway… $10 Amazon Gift Card! Woot woot J Enter here

Tuesday, 19 June
On Tuesday we had author Diane Lynn McGyver over for a guest post – The Hero Inside Every Woman.
Sneak peak – “But what it really taught me was a girl could be a hero, too. Unlike being a helpless princess in a silly fairy tale, I could be the Lone Ranger or Tonto, Spiderman, Captain Kidd or Robin Hood of Sherwood Forest…or some made-up, female version of these heroes. I could take control and win the day!”… “Do you know any strong female heroes?” Read more here

Thursday, 21 June
We had Natasha Ann Fernandez over for an interview. She is a book review blogger, telling us about herself, why she blogs and why she loves reading.
Sneak peak - "Alexia and I have planned a new feature on the blog. Once a month, every third Thursday of the month, we will be interviewing a book blogger. Of course, we wanted to start this feature by interviewing the friends we've made while blogging and who better than one of our best friends!" Read more here

I did an ARC review on Destiny Bewitched #4 by Leia Shaw
Sneak peak - "Love love love the main characters in this book... oh my soul - Can I have Geo?! Talk about smoking hot, drool-worthy, hunk of a man demon! *fans self* Geo wants to take charge of every situation, whether it's during a battle or behind closed doors *winks* catch my drift *nudge* :) - total Dom!!" Read more here

Friday, 22 June
Feature & Follow Friday #8 hosted by Parajunkee's View and Alison Can Read
Sneak peak – This week’s question was "If you could "unread" a book, which one would it be? Is it because you want to start over and experience it again for the first time? Or because it was THAT bad?" See my answer here

Saturday, 23 June
On Saturday I did a cover reveal for A.M. Hargrove – her 3rd book in the series, The Guardians of Vesturon.
Sneak peak - In this post you'll see the cover for Determinant, an excerpt and author bio Read more here

Upcoming Week
Monday, 25 June - Announcement of the winners for our 'New Design Launch' giveaway
Tuesday, 26 June – Top 5 fav series post by myself and Ritesh
Wednesday, 27 June – ARC Review: Determinant by A.M. Hargrove
Thursday, 28 June – Interview with author Solitaire Parke
Friday, 29 June - Feature & Follow Friday post hosted by Parajunkee's View and Alison Can Read
Saturday, 30 June – Most amazing giveaway sponsored by Solitaire Parke - be sure not to miss out on this :)

That's it for this week. What has your week been like and what do you have planned for the upcoming week?


  1. So glad you are both feeling better and wow you had an amazing week and it looks like next week will be just as exciting on the blog..i am going to check out the posts I missed. I have been participating in the WW read-a-thon and reading like a mad Thanks for being a part of The Sunday Post

  2. You have certainly have had a great week. Next week sounds like it will be too. I love busy weeks they go by so I will have to check back this week for sure. Enjoy your week..

    Jenea @ Books Live Forever

  3. OO exciting/busy week you had =D I really hope I can pick back up with Follow Friday, I have been majorly slacking with it the past few weeks. Thanks for already stopping by my sunday post!

    Happy Reading,
    Becky @ Book Bite Reviews

  4. Awesome looking haul this week! Happy reading and enjoy!

  5. You have had a busy week, I wish I could have that much stuff going on on my blog, lol.
    Thanks for stopping by, and happy reading!
