The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer.Inspired by the meme, In My Mailbox - it's a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week, showcase books, things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.So let's get started :)
Pretty hectic week! Ritesh has been AH-MAZING for the blog and myself this week, I've had some personal issues to sort out and still sorting out *sighs*... when will it end? lol Any who, he's been fabulous with the work load and extremely supportive :) So without further ado, here's what has been happening on AC as well as next weeks schedule...
Ritesh did a review on Farsighted by Emlyn Chand
Sneak peak - "I was really intrigued by Farsighted, as this is the first book I have come
across which is written from a blind guy’s perspective. I think the author has
done a commendable job in writing this book in first-person, which is no small
task." Read his review here
Guest post - Intersection of Science Fiction & Fantasy by Emily Tippetts
Sneak peak - "Some would argue that the only difference between science fiction and fantasy is
feel. Science fiction has rivets and fantasy has unicorns. Both genres require
the writer to make up an internally consistent rule system for what is an
alternate universe." Read more here
I did a review on Eternal Darkness by Natalie Hancock
Sneak peak - "So I have absolutely no idea where to start with this review... my mind is a
jumbled mess. It's like author Natalie Hancock gnawed chewed on
my mind and spat it out. (I know, gross way of describing it, but that's all my
blond brain can think of right now.)" Read my review here
Ritesh did an interview with author Emlyn Chand after reading her novel, Farsighted.
Sneak peak - "The Farsighted series on the whole is YA. Since the main characters possess
psychic gifts, you might class it as paranormal—but it’s also kind of
anti-paranormal." Read more here
Feature & Follow Friday #10 hosted by Parajunkee's View & Alison Can Read
Sneak peak - This week's question: Jumping Genres - Ever pick up a book from a genre you usually don't like and LOVE it? Tell us about it and why you picked it up in the first place." See our answers here
Upcoming Week
Tuesday, 10 July - Blog post by Ritesh - I am a Blogger and I am Pissed
Friday, 13 July - Feature & Follow Friday... eeek, it's Friday the 13th, good luck superstitious peeps ;)
Sunday, 15 July - Cover reveal for author Christie Rich
That's it for this week. As for the upcoming week, we've both decided to take it easy, we'll probably have a review in there too... :) What has your week been like and what do you have
planned for the upcoming week?
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