Today we have author Solitaire Parke on the blog for an interview, telling us about his novels, why he writes and his current projects. Be sure to stop by the blog on Saturday, June 30th for an AH-MAZING giveaway sponsored by Solitaire. Let the fun begin!
Describe your series? What genre would you classify it into?
"The Emerald Dragon" is book one of the Series "Dragomeir" and is told by the leading character, Tanis. The story is how he bonded with a dragon and prepares for an apocalyptic war. The series explores many species such as, Demons, Dragons, Hell Hounds, and Vampires coexisting with mankind in Arizona. I would consider this series to be Urban Fantasy.
How did you come up with the idea for the series?
I have read Fantasy for years, but I have never found all of the species I liked in one book. The Dragomeir series fixes that problem for me. I thought it would be fun for others too.
When and why did you begin writing?
Around the age of twelve. I had been in the hospital for months and when I got home, I couldn't really do much. I had been reading a lot during that time and it was a logical progression; reading stories, to writing them.
What are your current projects? How many books will there be in your series? How many have you written/planned till now?
The Dragomeir Series takes up most of my time, but I'm also getting ready to release a Young Adult Science Fiction Novel called "Tinker Smith & The Conspiracy of Oz." So far I have planned for three books in the Dragomeir Series and three for Tinker (Maybe more).
What book are you reading now? Which are your all-time favourite authors / books?
I'm reading "Embryo" by Joyce Schneider at the moment. My all time fave is "A Princess of Mars" by Edgar Rice Burroughs. I'm also a big fan of Bram Stoker, author of "Dracula."
Give us three “Good to Know” facts about you, something you could not read just about anywhere.
1. I'm a hopeless romantic.
2. I think chivalry should be taught in school
3. I still believe in Dragons
Do you have anything specific that you want to say to readers?
Never be afraid to contact your favorite authors and tell them what you think or what you'd like to see. Let's face facts, without the readers...there wouldn't be a need for authors.
How and when did you start writing fantasy?
Pretty early on. It never made much sense to me for it to be always be in a magical land some when or someplace else. Urban seems so much more "In your face" and involves places that seem like you could actually get to them if you tried.
How do you come up with names for the characters and places in your books?
I look to history to supply me with names for quite a few things. They generally sound familiar that way, and evoke a lot of emotions as a result. Also, it's fun to take normal names and translate them into other languages. Makes them seem more exotic.
Which do you think is more important, world building or character building?
I believe that no matter how hard you work at it, one will take precedence over the other. It just depends on the story you're writing at the time.
How easy is it for you to write non-human characters?
Well, it's easier than trying to conform to norms, that's for sure. Non-human characters can be as elaborate as the writer wishes, or as subtle and elegant. There is no template you have to follow and I like that a lot.
If you could not write in the F/SF genres, what would you be writing?
Probably Horror/Thriller since I have one of those too. (Vengeance of the Wolf)
Can you tell us more about the world in your books?
Circa date 2012, Arizona U.S.A. Out in the desert. You should visit, it's quiet, serene and some of the most beautiful landscapes in the world are visible from Mt. Drago....mountain of dragons.
Quick-fire questions:
Quick-fire questions:
ebooks, paperbacks or hardcover?
Hardcover – Can’t help it, I’m old school.
Cats or dogs?
Cats – Tairobi, Manx...I rest my case.
Coffee or tea?
Coffee – Been drinking it longer than I’ve worn glasses.
Favourite food?
Potato Latkes – No one made them better than my Mother.
Vanilla or chocolate ice-cream?
Coffee ice-cream – Duh. J
What are 4 things you never leave home without?
Keys, wallet, cell phone and Nook.
Where and when do you prefer to do your writing?
My home office and constantly.
List 3 of your all-time favourite movies and 3 of your all-time favourite music bands.
Movies: Blade Runner, Electric Dreams, Ghost In The Shell
Bands: Electric Light Orchestra, Rush, Jethro Tull
Which is your all-time favourite song (only one song please)?
Jethro Tull’s “Fyling Dale Flyer”
What is a movie or TV show that you watched recently and really enjoyed?
Game of Thrones
About author Solitaire Parke
I have been avidly reading books of all kinds, but especially Science Fiction books since I was twelve years old. It was the author, Edgar Rice Burroughs, that really inspired me to become a writer. His style of writing spoke to me and evoked a passion for the written word.
Throughout my life I have acquired a degree in Music Theory, a Masters in Photography and spent a decade and a half in Graphic and Web Design, but my love of writing never let up. I am currently pursuing my dream of becoming a full-time Author. I have written books ranging from Horror/Thriller to Science Fiction and Fantasy as well as Metaphysical and Poetry.
I am also the proud owner of Tairobi…my Manx cat. He’s been a huge help in the writing process!

The Emerald Dragon - Book Blurb
The Emerald Dragon is the story of Tanis, an ancient warrior called by an emerald dragon; the first to be born in over a thousand years. What follows is the day to day struggle Tanis faces while learning to be a dragon rider and live among the people of Mount Drago.
It soon becomes evident that there’s more to his calling than just becoming a part of the Dragomeir legend. A war is brewing and only the dragon riders stand in the way of total annihilation.
Vengeance of the Wolf - Book Blurb
“Vengeance of the Wolf” is a harrowing story of a man exacting revenge on those he has deemed responsible for the loss of his beloved wolf puppy, killed many years before at a Presidential parade. A fragile young boy was at that moment forever changed, and the maniacal vendetta of a psychotic killer was created. What follows is a killing spree so brilliantly carried out, that it seems nearly unstoppable.
Detective, John Yardley, and FBI Agent, Frank Williams, are on a quest to stop this manipulative, unknown mass murderer, whose targets seem to be specific politicians, in a bizarre and insane killing spree…one that draws them into a world of dreams and nightmares beyond their wildest imaginations.
Awaiting them are unbelievable terrors, chilling twists and turns and a scope of destruction that they would never have believed possible!
Many, many thanks, Alexia and Ritesh for featuring me on your blog! I'm really looking forward to the contest! :)